Thursday, October 25, 2007
2008 "The Year of the Church"
As Thanksgiving and Christmas times approach Christians should pause and be reflecting in the blessings the Lord had given us during 2007 and also start looking forward to His blessings for 2008…
Here is a very thoughtful devotional from Dr. Larry Ollison that all should read and prayerfully consider:
2008 "The Year of the Church" by Dr. Larry Ollison
A few weeks ago while spending time with the Lord, I had this question on my heart. "What are Your plans for me and for my ministry?" From deep within my spirit I heard these words. "This coming year will be the year of the church."
My first question was this. "What does it mean that 2008 will be the year of the church?" The church was here this year and last year. In fact, the church has been on the Earth every year since the time Jesus put His blood on the Mercy Seat. When Jesus became the first fruits into the Kingdom and became the firstborn among many brethren, the church was established. Jesus then took His position as the head of the church and all who received Him became a part of His body. The church has existed for centuries, so what does it mean "2008 is the year of the church?"
Over the last few weeks I have meditated on this and God has spoken clearly to my heart. As for me and those who attend my church and receive from this ministry, 2008 is the year for every member of the church to stand up and be the church. The time that once was future is now here. We are truly living in the last moments of the last days. We are the generation that will usher in the return of the Messiah. The waiting is over and the time is at hand for the church to stand up and operate in the power and authority that was prophesied by Jesus.
* 2008 is the Year for the Church to Stand Up and Be the Church
It is time for the church to quit being "seeker friendly" and become "Holy Spirit friendly." When the world looks at Christians, they should see the light shining in such a way that they are drawn to a loving God instead of being drawn to God’s stuff. While it is true that God wants to prosper every believer physically and financially, the gift should not receive more glory than the giver.
Jesus told us that Christians were to be fishers of men, but a BMW or a Mercedes should not be the bait on the hook. Now don’t take me wrong. There is nothing wrong with owning a BMW or a Mercedes. Personally, a silver BMW Z-4 is a beautiful car and there is nothing wrong with having one. If you see one in the Pastor’s parking spot at church, it’s okay. God doesn’t mind. However, the motivation of Jesus being pierced with nails and dying on the cross was not so you could have a new BMW and it shouldn’t be your motivation for spreading the gospel either. We should attract people to a loving God in such a way that they will love Him more than His stuff.
Many people in the church are hurting, offended, and bitter. I heard a man say last week that life had been bad to him. While it may be true that the world has treated him poorly, God is a good God and His plan is full of goodness.
It’s time for the church to get over bitterness, discouragement, depression, and fear of people. This is the year the church must take a stand and proclaim the Word to the world with strength and authority.
Psalm 119:165 says, "Great peace have they which love Thy law and nothing shall offend them." The church must quit talking about what the world has done to them and start talking about what God has done for them. This is the time, this is the year for the church to stand up and be the church.
While in Old Jerusalem, a storekeeper told me that Christians often leave tracts in his store hoping that he will find them and receive Jesus. He made an interesting statement to me. He said, "Instead of Christians leaving a tract, they should become a living tract, and then being a Christian would be attract-ive."
It’s time for Christians to quit talking about what they are in the world and be who they are to the world.
* 2008 is the Year the Church Walks in Correction
As a pastor, I have discovered that people enjoy coming to me for advice and they accept it as long as the answer is what they want to hear. We must develop the ministry of receiving the word "no." To hear quickly, and to be obedient without question makes one usable to God.
Over the years I’ve had many approach me about their call into the ministry. There are those who truly will do whatever God calls them to do, but there are also many who will only answer the call if it involves a platform, podium, microphone, and cameras. There is nothing wrong with being famous. The Bible says that Jesus’ fame spread throughout the country and multitudes came to hear him. Jesus didn’t seek fame, but used it as a tool. Likewise, fame should never be a ministry goal.
In order for the church to be the church, Christians must be obedient to every word and not just to the ones they want to receive. We must go where He tells us to go, or stay where He tells us to stay without regard to fame or fortune. The Blessing will chase you down and catch you, but The Blessing only travels on the street named Obedience.
God’s Word may be served on a table, but it’s not a smorgasbord. There are desserts, but you must also eat the vegetables.
My wife, Loretta, is devoted to prayer. Privately she spends time in prayer, but also hosts several prayer sessions each week. I recently heard someone say that they were not going to prayer because they didn’t get a lot out of prayer meetings. It reminded me of the time that a couple met me in my office to inform me that they were no longer going to work with children because no one appreciated what they were doing.
When did appreciation become the motivation for ministry? When did we start judging prayer by how much we got out of it? Much of the focus has been wrong and needs to be corrected.
We were created to worship Him. When we pray, we pray to the Father. If talking to the Father does not bring satisfaction, then an adjustment needs to be made and it’s not the Father that needs to be adjusted. 2008 is the year the church walks in correction.
2008 is the Year the Church Must Obey Without Hesitation
The church has been commanded to "go ye therefore and make disciples." Whether or not you feel appreciated while doing it, is irrelevant. It’s a command. Imagine how an army would function during a time of war if each soldier decided himself whether or not he was going to obey the commands of the General on the basis of how appreciated he felt. The war would be lost. That is one of the basic problems that has developed in the church. We must obey our commands without hesitation.
Many times a statement that sounds good, if carried to the extreme, can be harmful. A lady told me once that she couldn’t teach the children because she needed to be sitting in adult church where the pastor put the food on the table. While this is a good concept, the reality is this. If everybody is sitting at the table and nobody is in the kitchen, everyone starves. In order to eat, we must all take our turn in the kitchen.
While in the heart of God, it is true that it’s all about us, in our hearts we should have the attitude that it’s all about Him. The church must have the right perspective and have its priorities in order. Although we receive when we come to God’s house, our hearts should be the heart of a servant and we should come to give worship to God and minister to others.
Many churches are looking for revival within their own building. They have become frustrated over the years trying to obtain it because the real heart of revival is ministering to someone else. The church should overflow into the world instead of attempting to overflow back onto itself over and over. True satisfaction and accomplishment in the heart of a believer is when they see the Word flowing out of themselves and into the lives of hurting people and seeing those hurting lives becoming fruitful and abundant in all things.
* 2008 is the Year the Church Must Cleanse Itself of the World
2008 is the year for the church to stand in honesty, character, and integrity. In today’s society, I have seen a disturbing trend. People are accustomed to being tantalized, mesmerized, and sensationalized and this has been brought into the church. While I truly believe that worship services should promote excellence in music and teaching and that musicians should practice and rehearse in order to promote excellence in worship, I have noticed that some church services are such choreographed, theatrical, made-for-television performances, that there is little difference between church and the half-time show at the Super Bowl (without the fireworks).
A minister recently indicated to me that he was unable to allow the gifts of the Holy Spirit to operate in his church service because there was no way that it would fit into his television programming.
It’s sad when we allow directors to eliminate the move of the Spirit from our worship services. It’s robbing God of His opportunity to speak intimately with His children. This is the year the church must cleanse itself of the world and worship the Father in spirit and in truth.
When I told a minister at a ministers’ conference that I had sold my airplane, he said, "But what about your image? Don’t you know that not having an airplane will affect the image of your ministry?" We must get over this crazy thinking and realize that ministry is not about the building of our image.
* 2008 is the Year for the Sleeping Giant to Awake
Sometimes I feel like the church has been lulled into a deep sleep. Twenty years ago there were things we would not allow in our homes that today we are using to babysit our children. But this is the year for the sleeping giant to awake.
It has been estimated that there are over 75 million evangelical Christians in America alone. If we could unite as one body in agreement with the Word of God as our guide, nothing could stop us.
While the world may wax worse and become more deceived, the church should become brighter and brighter until we shine the Gospel into all the world.
* 2008 is the Time for the Church to Be All That Jesus Prophesied it Would Be
There is so much more that God is speaking in these last moments of the last days. When my grandmother was a teenager, she saw her first automobile. During all of her youth she traveled by way of horse and wagon. Before she passed away, she saw astronauts go into outer space and men walk on the moon. From the creation of man through six thousand years, man traveled with the assistance of animals. In one generation that changed. The scriptures tell us that in the last days knowledge will increase. We are truly in the last days.
The prophetic times spoken by our Lord and Savior, Jesus, are upon us. The time of waiting is behind and the time of action is at hand. It’s time for the church to stand up and be all that Jesus prophesied the church would be.
© 2007 Dr. Larry Ollison. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
This article may be reproduced for teaching purposes but not for commercial resale
The Cutting Edge Devotional by Dr. Ollison is a daily feature of
The Cutting Edge Devotional - PO Box 880, Osage Beach, MO 65065 USA
When writing about this devotional, refer to devotional #0476 -
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God’s blessings!
. . .
"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed" -Prov 16:3
"Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]" -Eph. 3:20
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you & not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." Jer. 29:11
"In this new life one's nationality, race, education, social position is unimportant; such things mean nothing. Whether a person has Christ is what matters, & He is equally available to all" Col.3:11
"The key to godliness is not more knowledge of God but more obedience to Him" Rom.6:16
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And these sites are 4 Online Business Opportunity:
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Congratulations Hope for the Future Showers of Blessing MPM #49226 group!
We are delighted to publish in our Blog news from Sagrav4success Blog on success of their entrepreneur member new online business opportunity of unique FREE online business: "Hope for the Future Showers of Blessing MPM #49226"
Here is news reprint with their permission of recent article published at their own Blog:
"HFTF Showers of Blessing group Blog"
A new feature in "Hope for the Future Showers of Blessing" group Blog is to showcase all my direct sign in entrepreneurs receiving their own FREE online Business Mall though my link at:
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Special attention College students!
Welcome on board and Congratulations Victor!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Invitation to women in ministry
This is a new internet open door for women in ministry to network, encourage each other, let the Lord lead into ministry opportunities... it is free to visit and to join in at:
God's blessings!
. . .
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you & not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." Jer. 29:11
"In this new life one's nationality, race, education, social position is unimportant; such things mean nothing. Whether a person has Christ is what matters, & He is equally available to all" Col.3:11
"The key to godliness is not more knowledge of God but more obedience to Him" Rom.6:16
Sites reaching souls in the internet one 'CLICK' at a time [TM]:
Business links:
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Any ads and/or pop-ups here are not ours!
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Friday, October 5, 2007
Christians should know "The 4 G's" -specially witnessing for the Lord!
I would like to share with you what the Lord recalled to my mind from a class I attended years ago on Preparation for Ministry that the teacher called "The 4 G" -
GLORY - never touch the anointing of God's manifestations through your ministry - do not sin by letting spirit of pride grip you for what the Lord is doing using you to minister to others, remember that after all He used a donkey at one time!
GOLD - never do anything in ministry because of financial gain or leadership gain
GUYS (for the ladies) / GALLS (for guys) - live a godly life unto the Lord -stay away from compromising situations the devil could pervert... when that happens to be quick to repent and dust off and continue in ministry wiser and more careful...
GOOFY DOCTRINE - (Also can be called 'Stinking thinking') - always check in to see that what we believe and tell others is rightly dividing the Word of Truth and not any man-made reasoning or religious tradition no matter how we agree with it and how popular the leader and the teaching is.
I know is a reason that the Lord is bringing me into remembering now this teaching. Praise the Lord!
You are welcome to share any wisdom from above on this lesson.
God’s blessings!
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"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you & not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." Jer. 29:11
"In this new life one's nationality, race, education, social position is unimportant; such things mean nothing. Whether a person has Christ is what matters, & He is equally available to all" Col.3:11
"The key to godliness is not more knowledge of God but more obedience to Him" Rom.6:16
Visit sites reaching souls in the internet one ‘CLICK’ at a time [TM]:
Business websites:
Just want to "Shop 'til you drop" online for your holidays gifts at pre-holiday prices, and save car gas too:
Hope for the Future Showers of Blessing Biz Blog:
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Any ads below are not ours!
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Monday, October 1, 2007
I can start telling you each name of them I had been in, spent money, dreams, energy and never got a penny profit! On top of that it was my fault because I did not dream big enough, did not recruit aggressive enough... you know the excuses the upline on all the MLM and Network Marketing make!
. . .
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