Monday, March 5, 2007

WORDS! WORDS! WORDS! - 52 IN 2007 BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS STUDY (Feb. 25 to March 3 message)

>>> WORDS! WORDS! WORDS! - 52 IN 2007 BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS STUDY - Feb 25 to March 3 message <<<


This weeks study in the 52 in 2007 Basic Bible Truths study series is an important one… we all suffer while growing up, suffer as adults and mostly pass it on to our own children to continue an unbroken cycle of negative lifestyle that drag our emotions, rubs us of self esteem and makes us miserable… sometimes we need help and attend self esteem classes, go and pay a psychiatric to helps without realizing he or she has the same problems too!

Remember the old kid's rhyme: 'sticks and stones may brake my bones but words will never do' well, words might not physically break bones but break the soul of those hit with them, specially 'absolute words' such as Always and Never... there are more that will affect most of us for life -unless we learn biblical ways to neutralize their malevolent works in our souls, emotions, mind, thoughts...

Here is an email that might help us all: "Always and Never" by Larry Ollison, Ph.D.

One day while picking up supplies at a local store, I saw a young boy running down an aisle with a large toy in his hand. He wasn’t creating a problem, but as his mother came around the corner and grabbed him, I could see that she was thoroughly upset with him. She grabbed him and the toy and with great irritation separated them. She threw the toy on the shelf and turned toward the boy, grabbed both of his shoulders and started yelling in his face.

I can’t remember the exact words, but what she said went something like this. "When will you ever stop being a problem to me? You are one of the most unruly and undisciplined children I have ever seen. I’ve had all I can take. I’m not putting up with you any more. You’ve never done anything right. You’ve always been a problem and as far as I can see, you will never amount to anything."

As I said earlier, the boy was just being a child and didn’t seem to be a problem. However, the parent created a scene in the store and the child was thoroughly embarrassed.

The Word says in Proverbs 18:21 that death and life are in the power of the tongue. This parent was unknowingly speaking death into the life of her child. Sometimes we wonder why children turn out the way they do and I do understand that they make good and bad choices. However, as adults and parents we should do everything within our power to help our children make the right choices.

Jesus said, "If you say to this mountain to be removed and to be cast into the sea and if you believe in your heart what you say will come to pass, you will have whatever you say." (Mark 11:23) Because of this spiritual principle, it is extremely important that we speak blessings over our children rather than cursing. We must speak what we want our child to be rather than speaking out of the irritation of the moment.

Not only does God have a plan for your life, God also has a plan for the life of your child. It’s our duty and command from God to nurture and train our children in such a way that it will be easy for them to choose God’s plan for their life.
The words "never" and "always" are powerful words. If either of these words is used in discipline, then make sure that they line up with the Word of God. Yes, God wants us to discipline our children, but we must not cross the line and condemn.

Godly discipline will develop self-esteem and nurture love. Condemnation will create rejection, hurts and offenses that can last a lifetime.

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God’s blessings!

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"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you & not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." ~ Jer. 29:11

"In this new life one's nationality or race or education or social position is unimportant; such things mean nothing. Whether a person has Christ is what matters, & He is equally available to all" ~ Col.3:11

"The key to godliness is not more knowledge of God but more obedience to Him" ~ Rom.6:16

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