This is an email that shares information on a well organized step by step plan to reach souls looking for answers and in need of answers, in the internet and in real time –one-on-one witness, door-to-door, evangelism campaigns and churches everywhere, small and large, urban and rural, of any denominational background or lack of it.
Thank you for prayerfully reading on, visiting the sites to find out more about this outreach, then share with your board and congregation a vision for your group, ministry and/or church to participate and adapt to your own needs. Amen!
Nothing is too hard for God. Based on that fact, the General Council of the Assemblies of God has developed a new, two-year media plan that went live yesterday, Tuesday, May 29, with the launching of two new Web sites: http://www.NothingsTooHardForGod.org –and- http://www.NothingsTooHardForGodCampaign.ag.org
"The sites are now up and running and orders are being processed," says project director Rick Griepp.
The media plan, whose official title is "Nothing's Too Hard for God," breaks down this simple truth into eight relevant sub-themes:
1- No person is beyond forgiveness,
2- No form of loneliness is too overwhelming,
3- No relationship is too broken,
4- No illness is too difficult,
5- No fear is too great,
6- No financial need is too large,
7- No loss is too devastating, and,
8- No addiction is too strong.
These eight themes are conveyed through eight incredible, but true testimonies, shared by real men and women who faced seemingly impossible circumstances. However, their experiences took them on a journey where they discovered that with God all things are possible.
"Though we have launched the ministry Web site with the first four testimonies, we are still finalizing the last four videos scheduled for posting in the next few weeks," says Griepp.
A number of practical tools have been produced to help local churches, ministers and individuals communicate these eight truths to the world. Billboards, television, radio and print advertisements (some of the most visible components) highlight these real-life testimonies and direct audiences to the campaign's ministry Web Site: http://nothingstoohardforGod.org
"This media plan is so much more than advertising," says project director Rick Griepp, "it's a platform for the local church to share the gospel and get their message out. Just imagine the impact of telling all the people in your community that nothing's too hard for God, and letting them see what God has done and is doing in the lives of others who call on Him. It opens the door to those who are searching for answers."
At the conclusion of each 8- to 10-minute testimony, Web site visitors are shown a powerful gospel presentation given by Scotty Gibbons.
In addition to watching the testimonies in their entirety, visitors can follow a link to The Commission on Evangelism's "How to Follow Christ" site, or click on links to find a local church or submit a prayer request to the AG National Prayer Center.
All the materials and resources created for the campaign point to the Web site and are available for purchase at http://www.nothingstoohardforGodcampaign.ag.org
More than two dozen different products are available, including a church roadside banner and video projection graphics to assist in making a strong church presentation.
Evangelism tools include door hangers, postcards, Neighborhood flyers and brochures. Static-cling window decals, yard signs, tracts and silicone wristbands can also be incorporated as personal witnessing tools.
Another new ministry aspect included with this campaign is the introduction of an eight-session small group study on DVD. Providing the full stories of the featured testimonies integrated with narration by Gibbons, the study comes complete with an included CD of printable questions, scriptures and thoughts for leaders based on the eight testimony themes.
"Churches of any size will find they can afford and use this campaign to take the gospel well beyond the walls of their church and deep into the untraveled corridors, living rooms and individual hearts of their community," says AG Communications Director Juleen Turnage.
The campaign's adaptability allows it to be used for concise, 30- to 60-day media plans, or it can be sustained in the media for up to two years. AG sections and districts are encouraged to work together with local churches to secure time and space for major media advertising such as television and radio spots and billboards. A manual is also available with instructions on how to buy media time, rent billboards, purchase print ad space, etc.
"Without question, this is a great ministry for increasing visibility, for sharing the good news with the lost and for reaching many who are looking for an answer to life," says Turnage.
To learn more about the Nothings Too Hard for God campaign, or to purchase campaign materials including a complete starter/sample kit, visit: http://www.NothingsTooHardForGodCampaign.ag.org or call the Gospel Publishing House toll-free, at 1-800-641-4310.
--Laura Norberg
AG-NEWS: The A/G News & Information Service, (c) 2007 A service of the Assemblies of God's Office of Public Relations. This mailing list was created to inform the media and public of current events within the Fellowship and continuing developments among its many ministries.
Office of Public Relations, General Council of the Assemblies of God, 1445 N. Boonville Ave, Springfield, MO 65802-1894 Phone: 417- 862-2781 Fax: 417- 862-5554 Email: news@ag.org
You are welcome to visit the A/G site: http://www.ag.org/
God’s blessings!
- - -
• Intercessory prayer partner reminder:
“Thank you” dear partner for your commitment to pray for “Celebrate Jesus! Ministries” 1 minute every day at anytime convenient to you, not necessarily during your personal prayer time or personal devotions.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you & not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." ~ Jer. 29:11
"In this new life one's nationality or race or education or social position is unimportant; such things mean nothing. Whether a person has Christ is what matters, & He is equally available to all" ~ Col.3:11
"The key to godliness is not more knowledge of God but more obedience to Him" ~ Rom.6:16
* Everyone is invited to visit these websites that are our Christian outreach > prayerfully reaching souls in the internet one 'CLICK' at a time [TM] <
Celebrate Jesus - God's gift of eternal life=
Every Christian can witness with FREE Gospels of John when you visit, join in= https://www.pocketpower.org/code/signup.php?promo=bannerclick&sponsorcd=199335
Sisters in Christ/Woman to Woman witness=
Jesus is God's only way for salvation MSN Christian group - anybody can read, be a member=
Jesus Saves Follow Him Yahoo Christian group of Sisters in Christ/Woman to Woman witness - anybody can read, be a member=
ZOE -God's Kind of Life=
Help for parent/youth leaders protect children=
Celebrate Jesus Ministries 2-Fold Outreach=
Celebrate Jesus 2-Fold Outreach Yahoo group - anybody can read, be a member=
Minister Gospel 2 –Grateful Christian messages Blog I -with the beginning weekly messages of 52 in 2007 BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS = http://evascomments.blogspot.com/
Minister Gospel 2 - Grateful Christian messages Blog II= http://evascomments2.blogspot.com/
Jesus saves, follow Him Canada Yahoo group - anybody can read, be a member=
God's Word on Love and Marriage=
God's Word on Homosexuality {NOT a homophobic site}= http://netministries.org/see/charmin/CM08315
Jesus Saves - Follow Him 2 Yahoo Christian group - anybody can read, be a member= http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jesus_saves_follow_him2/
Every Christian can witness with FREE Gospels of John when you visit, join in= https://www.pocketpower.org/code/signup.php?promo=bannerclick&sponsorcd=199335
Mawy Art Studio Homepage=
Mawy Art Gallery=
My Tribute to Heroes and Survivors of 9/11/01 Terror attacks on America=
One Solitary Life is Jesus= http://www.geocities.com/onesolitarylife_isJesus/Lord-and-Savior.html
Hermanas en Cristo/De Mujer a Mujer Testimonio Cristiano:
Celebremos a Jesus – el Regalo de Dios para Vida Eterna:
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Watkins business opportunity site of a woman offering to other women, as well as to all stay-at-home, retirees and 'baby boomers' a chance to find out a possible successful home-business with links, information and FREE downloads: http://compacturl.com/nkqj - when a green page appears click on first 'click here' to open information page.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Let’s remember these BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS:
* The devil is defeated and a liar. God is exalted. Jesus is Lord and Savior. *
Any ad links below or as pop-ups are placed by EMAIL PROVIDERS and do NOT have our approval.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
“The Salesman of Lies” – 52 in 2007 Basic Bible Truths study 6/24-30:
“The Salesman of Lies” – 52 in 2007 Basic Bible Truths study 6/24-30:
I decided that is silly as well as frustrating trying to re-invent the wheel, so here is an excellent study for this week:
The Salesman of Lies by Dr. Larry Ollison
Have you ever met a con man? Well, I have. These unique individuals have the ability to make you buy something you don’t want or need. Sometimes you don’t even get it after you pay for it.
When Loretta and I were first married, we didn’t have much money. We were in college and we had a good, late model car we had bought from Loretta’s father. We didn’t drive it though. It sat in our driveway with two flat tires. We couldn’t afford used tires for the car. It’s a little embarrassing to admit this, but once we looked through the couch and found 9 cents. We walked two blocks to the grocery store and bought some instant biscuits. We ate biscuits that day. We already had some butter in the refrigerator, but that was all!
Now, I’ve told you this to illustrate how poor Loretta and I were during our early years of marriage. But as destitute as we were, the vacuum cleaner salesman still sold us a brand new vacuum cleaner along with all the attachments -- even though we didn’t even have carpet at the time.
When I was first approached about the vacuum cleaner, my first reaction was, “We don’t need one.” But after much persistence, I gave in to “just listen” to the pitch. After listening for a while and not being prepared for all the logic of the salesperson, I gave in and agreed to the purchase, partially because I just wanted to get rid of the salesperson and get it over with.
It may have been a good vacuum, but we didn’t need it and couldn’t afford it. The result was we even had less money and one more obligation we couldn’t meet.
Satan is the salesman of destruction in your life. He peddles his lies and tries to get us to buy them. We know we don’t need his lies. We know we can’t afford his lies, but he is a persistent salesman. He has done this before. He knows that if he can just get us to listen, he has a chance. Listening is the first step in being sold. If we as Christians wouldn’t listen to the lies of Satan, then we would not buy his lies. We need to guard our ears.
Satan is deceptive and he wants to destroy Christians. He wants us to be ineffective, powerless and defeated. He knows that one Spirit-filled Christian, walking in faith, has the power to move mountains and deal a severe blow to his kingdom. He knows that faith is the key. He knows his only hope is to destroy faith. And here’s how he does it.
He knocks on the door of our minds with his briefcase full of lies and he tries to get us to buy them. He keeps talking until we listen and then he goes for the close. One of his lies is “God does not heal today.” Another lie is “the gifts of the Holy Spirit passed away with the apostles.” Another lie he tries to sell is “God has a purpose for you to be sick. He put this sickness on you to teach you something.”
If we buy his lies, it will destroy our faith. Without faith we will not please God. Without faith we will be ineffective as Christians and powerless to withstand Satan. So resist the “salesman of lies” with the “truths of God’s Word” and he will flee. Remember the Word says in Ephesians 6:16, that it is our shield of faith that withstands the attacks of Satan.
All rights reserved. Used by permission. This article may be reproduced for teaching purposes but not for commercial resale The Cutting Edge Devotional by Dr. Ollison is a daily feature of www.CFAITH.com
The Cutting Edge Devotional - PO Box 880, Osage Beach, MO 65065 USA
When writing about this devotional, refer to devotional #0036 www.larryollison.com
Larry Ollison Ministries never sells, rents, or shares your email address.
For more information, please contact office@ollison.org
- - -
God’s blessings!
- - -
• Intercessory prayer partner reminder:
“Thank you” dear partner for your commitment to pray for “Celebrate Jesus! Ministries” 1 minute every day at anytime convenient to you, not necessarily during your personal prayer time or personal devotions.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you & not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." ~ Jer. 29:11
"In this new life one's nationality or race or education or social position is unimportant; such things mean nothing. Whether a person has Christ is what matters, & He is equally available to all" ~ Col.3:11
"The key to godliness is not more knowledge of God but more obedience to Him" ~ Rom.6:16
* Everyone is invited to visit these websites that are our Christian outreach > prayerfully reaching souls in the internet one 'CLICK' at a time [TM] <
Celebrate Jesus - God's gift of eternal life=
Every Christian can witness with FREE Gospels of John when you visit, join in= https://www.pocketpower.org/code/signup.php?promo=bannerclick&sponsorcd=199335
Sisters in Christ/Woman to Woman witness=
Jesus is God's only way for salvation MSN Christian group - anybody can read, be a member=
Jesus Saves Follow Him Yahoo Christian group of Sisters in Christ/Woman to Woman witness - anybody can read, be a member=
ZOE -God's Kind of Life=
Help for parent/youth leaders protect children=
Celebrate Jesus Ministries 2-Fold Outreach=
Celebrate Jesus 2-Fold Outreach Yahoo group - anybody can read, be a member=
Minister Gospel 2 –Grateful Christian messages Blog I -with the beginning weekly messages of 52 in 2007 BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS = http://evascomments.blogspot.com/
Minister Gospel 2 - Grateful Christian messages Blog II= http://evascomments2.blogspot.com/
Jesus saves, follow Him Canada Yahoo group - anybody can read, be a member=
God's Word on Love and Marriage=
God's Word on Homosexuality {NOT a homophobic site}= http://netministries.org/see/charmin/CM08315
Jesus Saves - Follow Him 2 Yahoo Christian group - anybody can read, be a member= http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jesus_saves_follow_him2/
Every Christian can witness with FREE Gospels of John when you visit, join in= https://www.pocketpower.org/code/signup.php?promo=bannerclick&sponsorcd=199335
Mawy Art Studio Homepage=
Mawy Art Gallery=
My Tribute to Heroes and Survivors of 9/11/01 Terror attacks on America=
One Solitary Life is Jesus= http://www.geocities.com/onesolitarylife_isJesus/Lord-and-Savior.html
Hermanas en Cristo/De Mujer a Mujer Testimonio Cristiano:
Celebremos a Jesus – el Regalo de Dios para Vida Eterna:
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Watkins business opportunity site of a woman offering to other women, as well as to all stay-at-home, retirees and 'baby boomers' a chance to find out a possible successful home-business with links, information and FREE downloads: http://compacturl.com/nkqj - when a green page appears click on first 'click here' to open information page.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Let’s remember these BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS:
* The devil is defeated and a liar. God is exalted. Jesus is Lord and Savior. *
Any ad links below or as pop-ups are placed by EMAIL PROVIDERS and do NOT have our approval.
I decided that is silly as well as frustrating trying to re-invent the wheel, so here is an excellent study for this week:
The Salesman of Lies by Dr. Larry Ollison
Have you ever met a con man? Well, I have. These unique individuals have the ability to make you buy something you don’t want or need. Sometimes you don’t even get it after you pay for it.
When Loretta and I were first married, we didn’t have much money. We were in college and we had a good, late model car we had bought from Loretta’s father. We didn’t drive it though. It sat in our driveway with two flat tires. We couldn’t afford used tires for the car. It’s a little embarrassing to admit this, but once we looked through the couch and found 9 cents. We walked two blocks to the grocery store and bought some instant biscuits. We ate biscuits that day. We already had some butter in the refrigerator, but that was all!
Now, I’ve told you this to illustrate how poor Loretta and I were during our early years of marriage. But as destitute as we were, the vacuum cleaner salesman still sold us a brand new vacuum cleaner along with all the attachments -- even though we didn’t even have carpet at the time.
When I was first approached about the vacuum cleaner, my first reaction was, “We don’t need one.” But after much persistence, I gave in to “just listen” to the pitch. After listening for a while and not being prepared for all the logic of the salesperson, I gave in and agreed to the purchase, partially because I just wanted to get rid of the salesperson and get it over with.
It may have been a good vacuum, but we didn’t need it and couldn’t afford it. The result was we even had less money and one more obligation we couldn’t meet.
Satan is the salesman of destruction in your life. He peddles his lies and tries to get us to buy them. We know we don’t need his lies. We know we can’t afford his lies, but he is a persistent salesman. He has done this before. He knows that if he can just get us to listen, he has a chance. Listening is the first step in being sold. If we as Christians wouldn’t listen to the lies of Satan, then we would not buy his lies. We need to guard our ears.
Satan is deceptive and he wants to destroy Christians. He wants us to be ineffective, powerless and defeated. He knows that one Spirit-filled Christian, walking in faith, has the power to move mountains and deal a severe blow to his kingdom. He knows that faith is the key. He knows his only hope is to destroy faith. And here’s how he does it.
He knocks on the door of our minds with his briefcase full of lies and he tries to get us to buy them. He keeps talking until we listen and then he goes for the close. One of his lies is “God does not heal today.” Another lie is “the gifts of the Holy Spirit passed away with the apostles.” Another lie he tries to sell is “God has a purpose for you to be sick. He put this sickness on you to teach you something.”
If we buy his lies, it will destroy our faith. Without faith we will not please God. Without faith we will be ineffective as Christians and powerless to withstand Satan. So resist the “salesman of lies” with the “truths of God’s Word” and he will flee. Remember the Word says in Ephesians 6:16, that it is our shield of faith that withstands the attacks of Satan.
All rights reserved. Used by permission. This article may be reproduced for teaching purposes but not for commercial resale The Cutting Edge Devotional by Dr. Ollison is a daily feature of www.CFAITH.com
The Cutting Edge Devotional - PO Box 880, Osage Beach, MO 65065 USA
When writing about this devotional, refer to devotional #0036 www.larryollison.com
Larry Ollison Ministries never sells, rents, or shares your email address.
For more information, please contact office@ollison.org
- - -
God’s blessings!
- - -
• Intercessory prayer partner reminder:
“Thank you” dear partner for your commitment to pray for “Celebrate Jesus! Ministries” 1 minute every day at anytime convenient to you, not necessarily during your personal prayer time or personal devotions.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you & not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." ~ Jer. 29:11
"In this new life one's nationality or race or education or social position is unimportant; such things mean nothing. Whether a person has Christ is what matters, & He is equally available to all" ~ Col.3:11
"The key to godliness is not more knowledge of God but more obedience to Him" ~ Rom.6:16
* Everyone is invited to visit these websites that are our Christian outreach > prayerfully reaching souls in the internet one 'CLICK' at a time [TM] <
Celebrate Jesus - God's gift of eternal life=
Every Christian can witness with FREE Gospels of John when you visit, join in= https://www.pocketpower.org/code/signup.php?promo=bannerclick&sponsorcd=199335
Sisters in Christ/Woman to Woman witness=
Jesus is God's only way for salvation MSN Christian group - anybody can read, be a member=
Jesus Saves Follow Him Yahoo Christian group of Sisters in Christ/Woman to Woman witness - anybody can read, be a member=
ZOE -God's Kind of Life=
Help for parent/youth leaders protect children=
Celebrate Jesus Ministries 2-Fold Outreach=
Celebrate Jesus 2-Fold Outreach Yahoo group - anybody can read, be a member=
Minister Gospel 2 –Grateful Christian messages Blog I -with the beginning weekly messages of 52 in 2007 BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS = http://evascomments.blogspot.com/
Minister Gospel 2 - Grateful Christian messages Blog II= http://evascomments2.blogspot.com/
Jesus saves, follow Him Canada Yahoo group - anybody can read, be a member=
God's Word on Love and Marriage=
God's Word on Homosexuality {NOT a homophobic site}= http://netministries.org/see/charmin/CM08315
Jesus Saves - Follow Him 2 Yahoo Christian group - anybody can read, be a member= http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jesus_saves_follow_him2/
Every Christian can witness with FREE Gospels of John when you visit, join in= https://www.pocketpower.org/code/signup.php?promo=bannerclick&sponsorcd=199335
Mawy Art Studio Homepage=
Mawy Art Gallery=
My Tribute to Heroes and Survivors of 9/11/01 Terror attacks on America=
One Solitary Life is Jesus= http://www.geocities.com/onesolitarylife_isJesus/Lord-and-Savior.html
Hermanas en Cristo/De Mujer a Mujer Testimonio Cristiano:
Celebremos a Jesus – el Regalo de Dios para Vida Eterna:
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Watkins business opportunity site of a woman offering to other women, as well as to all stay-at-home, retirees and 'baby boomers' a chance to find out a possible successful home-business with links, information and FREE downloads: http://compacturl.com/nkqj - when a green page appears click on first 'click here' to open information page.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Let’s remember these BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS:
* The devil is defeated and a liar. God is exalted. Jesus is Lord and Savior. *
Any ad links below or as pop-ups are placed by EMAIL PROVIDERS and do NOT have our approval.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Internet open venue for women, retirees, 'baby-boomers' to have their own home-business
Watkins business opportunity site offering many looking for a part-time home-business a chance to find out a possible successful way through The Summit Group of independent associates website with information and links and FREE downloads at: http://compacturl.com/nkqj
- if when a green page appears on The Summit Group site, then click on first 'click here' to open information page.
Looking forward to have you as a Watkins Independent Associate when you 'sign in now' through my website.
Once you do, as your sponsor I will share what I have learn how to focus on starting your business to succeed following the successful learning business plan offered free by The Summit Group to all their Watkins independent associates.
Watkins business opportunity site offering many looking for a part-time home-business a chance to find out a possible successful way through The Summit Group of independent associates website with information and links and FREE downloads at: http://compacturl.com/nkqj
- if when a green page appears on The Summit Group site, then click on first 'click here' to open information page.
Looking forward to have you as a Watkins Independent Associate when you 'sign in now' through my website.
Once you do, as your sponsor I will share what I have learn how to focus on starting your business to succeed following the successful learning business plan offered free by The Summit Group to all their Watkins independent associates.
Internet open venue for women, retirees, 'baby-boomers' to have their own home-business
Watkins business opportunity site offering many looking for a part-time home-business a chance to find out a possible successful way through The Summit Group of independent associates website with information and links and FREE downloads at: http://compacturl.com/nkqj
- if when a green page appears on The Summit Group site, then click on first 'click here' to open information page.
Looking forward to have you as a Watkins Independent Associate when you 'sign in now' through my website.
Once you do, as your sponsor I will share what I have learn how to focus on starting your business to succeed following the successful learning business plan offered free by The Summit Group to all their Watkins independent associates.
Watkins business opportunity site offering many looking for a part-time home-business a chance to find out a possible successful way through The Summit Group of independent associates website with information and links and FREE downloads at: http://compacturl.com/nkqj
- if when a green page appears on The Summit Group site, then click on first 'click here' to open information page.
Looking forward to have you as a Watkins Independent Associate when you 'sign in now' through my website.
Once you do, as your sponsor I will share what I have learn how to focus on starting your business to succeed following the successful learning business plan offered free by The Summit Group to all their Watkins independent associates.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Prayer - 52 in 2007 Basic Bible Truths study June 10-16
The key to have and overcoming Christian life is prayer… yes, there are other key focus of living a overcoming Christian life like accepting Jesus salvation one-on- one, making Him true Lord, learning to listen and obey the Holy Spirit guidance, exercising the measure of faith that God gave each one of us, and more, of course… but none of them will be opening the right door of God’s life unless we know how to pray in an effective way that will make God come into action in granting that request we are praying for ourselves and for others… please, read on!
Prayer Should Not Be Your Last Resort by Dr. Larry Ollison
Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a very bad situation, and someone said to you, “Well, the only thing left to do is to pray”? How did you react? Did you think, “Oh my goodness, has it come to that?” Or did you ask, “Are things really that bad?”
Unfortunately, that’s how most people in today’s society feel about spiritual things. Many people never turn to God until they have absolutely nowhere else to turn. God is usually their last resort. So many times, Jesus has to wait until the deepest, darkest hour because that’s when people finally turn to Him.
Some people actually believe that God put them in the hospital just so He could talk to them. But the truth of the matter is many people never look up until they are lying flat on their backs! God had the answer for them all the time, but it wasn’t until they were forced to lie still and get quiet that they would listen to the voice of God. God doesn’t knock people down just so He can help them get back up.
James 1:17 says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow or turning.” God does not send sickness and poverty and misery just to teach us something. He sent Jesus to die on the cross for us because He wanted to set us free from the curse of sin!
Some have the wrong idea about God and spiritual things. Too many people don’t understand God, and it’s a natural tendency for people to fear what they don’t understand. What kind of images pop into your mind when someone mentions the spiritual realm to you? What kind of words would you use to describe the spirit realm?
Most people use words like dark, eerie, cold, mysterious and spooky to describe the spiritual realm. Whenever you mention spiritual things, they automatically get flashbacks of Freddy Krueger, Dracula, and all the other horror movies they’ve seen.
Many associate the spirit realm with death, because the only time they think about it is when someone they know dies. This constitutes a great victory for the enemy of our souls. Satan wants to keep our attention fixed on the natural and physical side of life. Only in the most painful moments of grief do most people consider spiritual things. It’s no wonder they have a dark picture of the spirit realm. Just like people associate a doctor with sickness and pain, they associate the spirit realm with death. This causes people to respond to spiritual things with death in the forefront of their minds. But God sent Jesus so that we could have LIFE!
God doesn’t want you to turn to Him as a last resort! He doesn’t want you to be afraid of Him. 1 John 4:18-19 says, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. We love Him because He first loved us.”
Romans 8:14 says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.”
He wants to lead you and guide you from the very beginning. He wants you to put Him first! If people would learn to look to God first, then they wouldn’t get themselves into the messes that they do. God is a merciful God, and He will always help you with your problems when you ask Him to. But He never wanted you to go through that problem in the first place. He has a better way!
All rights reserved. Used by permission. This article may be reproduced for teaching purposes but not for commercial resale The Cutting Edge Devotional by Dr. Ollison is a daily feature of http://www.CFAITH.com The Cutting Edge Devotional - PO Box 880, Osage Beach, MO 65065 USA When writing about this devotional, refer to devotional #0193 http://www.larryollison.com Larry Ollison Ministries never sells, rents, or shares your email address. For more information, please contact office@ollison.org
- - -
Amen to this study on prayer.
Now, let’s exercise what we have learned here by examine ourselves from anything –sin(s) of omission [not doing what God ask in His word for us to do, like caring for widows and orphans (specially those related to us), caring for those in need] and sin(s) of commission [doing what the Bible tells us clearly not to do, such as gossiping, backstabbing, nurturing spirit of anger, not loving our wives (husbands), not respecting our husbands (wives) , living an impure and immoral life in acts and even thoughts in real time and in the internet too… and so on… before we pray for the specific prayer request we have been praying recently. Amen!
God’s blessings!
Intercessory prayer partner reminder:
“Thank you” to all readers that pray for “Celebrate Jesus! Ministries” and these “52 in 2007 Basic Bible Truths weekly studies” every day for at least one (1) minute or as the Lord leads each one to pray. Amen!
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you & not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." ~ Jer. 29:11
"In this new life one's nationality or race or education or social position is unimportant; such things mean nothing. Whether a person has Christ is what matters, & He is equally available to all" ~ Col.3:11
"The key to godliness is not more knowledge of God but more obedience to Him" ~ Rom.6:16
“Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.” - Prov. 19:21
- - -
Everyone is invited to visit these websites that are our Christian outreach that is > prayerfully reaching souls in the internet one 'CLICK' at a time [TM] <
Celebrate Jesus - God's gift of eternal life=
Every Christian can witness with FREE Gospels of John when you visit, join in= https://www.pocketpower.org/code/signup.php?promo=bannerclick&sponsorcd=199335
Sisters in Christ/Woman to Woman witness=
Jesus is God's only way for salvation MSN Christian group - anybody can read, be a member=
Jesus Saves Follow Him Yahoo Christian group of Sisters in Christ/Woman to Woman witness - anybody can read, be a member=
ZOE -God's Kind of Life=
Help for parent/youth leaders protect children=
Celebrate Jesus Ministries 2-Fold Outreach=
Celebrate Jesus 2-Fold Outreach Yahoo group - anybody can read, be a member=
Minister Gospel 2 –Grateful Christian messages Blog I -with the beginning weekly messages of 52 in 2007 BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS = http://evascomments.blogspot.com/
Minister Gospel 2 - Grateful Christian messages Blog II= http://evascomments2.blogspot.com/
Jesus saves, follow Him Canada Yahoo group - anybody can read, be a member=
God's Word on Love and Marriage=
God's Word on Homosexuality {NOT a homophobic site}= http://netministries.org/see/charmin/CM08315
Jesus Saves - Follow Him 2 Yahoo Christian group - anybody can read, be a member= http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jesus_saves_follow_him2/
Every Christian can witness with FREE Gospels of John when you visit, join in= https://www.pocketpower.org/code/signup.php?promo=bannerclick&sponsorcd=199335
Mawy Art Studio Homepage=
Mawy Art Gallery=
My Tribute to Heroes and Survivors of 9/11/01 Terror attacks on America=
One Solitary Life is Jesus= http://www.geocities.com/onesolitarylife_isJesus/Lord-and-Savior.html
Hermanas en Cristo/De Mujer a Mujer Testimonio Cristiano:
Celebremos a Jesus – el Regalo de Dios para Vida Eterna:
Watkins business opportunity site of a woman offering to other women a chance to find out a possible successful home-business with links, information and FREE downloads: http://compacturl.com/nkqj - when a green page appears click on first 'click here' to open information page.
Let’s remember these BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS:
* The devil is defeated and a liar. God is exalted. Jesus is Lord and Savior. *
Any ad links below or as pop-ups are placed by EMAIL PROVIDERS and do NOT have our approval.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
God's blessings to those that help widow success in home business
Hi everyone,
At present I am starting my own home-business in the internet, as well as 'real-time'. The opportunity is for everyone interested in all States in the United States and also available in Canada. Click my website to read full information links and free downloads: http://compacturl.com/nkqj
You could enjoy solid income on a completely flexible schedule. One of my upline says "Most people who join us aren't looking for riches. They just want solid income in return for their efforts. But it's important to realize that this business has unlimited possibilities."
Another happy member of our group says "In just over one year of part-time effort... I have an extra source of income that lets my family have the nicer things in life and let us do thing we've dream of doing."
The training is complete and at your convenience by your own access code in the Summit group website. All questions are answered and how-to be successful are explained. There is also a board that you can ask questions, read many answers and successful tips.
You may not realize, however, that modern technologies and training have made this one of the top business opportunities in North America.
FREE E-Book -This site provides complete details, free and with no obligation, so you can decide if you want to join us as an independent associate. Be sure to read our free online book—it shows how much money you can earn and the variety of ways you can earn it.
I am very excited because here you also can develop residual income. That means the income checks can keep coming to you even when you take time off. Yes, it really is possible to earn a great income AND have the time to enjoy it.
The FREE E-Book explains everything. Request yours now by clicking my link: http://compacturl.com/nkqj
Once you become an independent associate you find Great Products, Great Training
Here are the two keys to your success:
1. This Company still has everyone's long-time favorite products, along with newer products for the busy family of today. These products are in high demand among people who care about taking care of themselves, taking care of their homes, and preparing the best tasting foods imaginable. Company products are a rock-solid foundation on which you can build a profitable business.
2. The Summit Group provides free training and state-of-the-art business tools that help you build your business. We're an organization of friendly, hard-working, family-type people from across the United States and Canada...and we're the fastest-growing support team among all of this company's independent associates. By joining our company through my independent associate link above, you'll have access to the training and tools you need so you can develop significant income faster than ever.
Great Benefits, No Pressure
Starting your own business through the Company's 'Summit Group' as an independent associate offers income and time flexibility. But it won't interfere with your family, your current job, or your already-busy schedule. This is a no-pressure business. You do as much or as little as you're ready for at any point.
Although most of our associates work part-time, some have built their businesses into full-time, high-paying careers. Either way, they enjoy the unique benefits that only our business can provide, which can include:
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You're about to learn how a company that has had the strength and integrity to survive since 1868 is ready to help you achieve the lifestyle you want today.
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We'll immediately e-mail you a personalized link into our main website when you complete the form included in my link above. Our main website at:http://compacturl.com/nkqj is where you can pick up your copy of our free E-book called "A Better Life for You and Your Family."
Don't put your future on hold... submit the form below, then check your e-mail box and click your personal entry link. It will let you decide if the flexibility, benefits, and find this excellent company and the Summit Group are right for you.
P.S. Our privacy policy explains that we hold your personal information in strictest confidence, using it only to provide you with details about our business. We do not share your information with any other organization or company.
I know that with God's help and with those so moved to visit my website today as they are reading my request and join me in having their own home-business, I will be able to live a peaceful, productive life and return to do successful work to be independent, and be able to do volunteer work to help others in need.
Thank you to everyone responding today. God bless you all.Successfully for your success!
At present I am starting my own home-business in the internet, as well as 'real-time'. The opportunity is for everyone interested in all States in the United States and also available in Canada. Click my website to read full information links and free downloads: http://compacturl.com/nkqj
You could enjoy solid income on a completely flexible schedule. One of my upline says "Most people who join us aren't looking for riches. They just want solid income in return for their efforts. But it's important to realize that this business has unlimited possibilities."
Another happy member of our group says "In just over one year of part-time effort... I have an extra source of income that lets my family have the nicer things in life and let us do thing we've dream of doing."
The training is complete and at your convenience by your own access code in the Summit group website. All questions are answered and how-to be successful are explained. There is also a board that you can ask questions, read many answers and successful tips.
You may not realize, however, that modern technologies and training have made this one of the top business opportunities in North America.
FREE E-Book -This site provides complete details, free and with no obligation, so you can decide if you want to join us as an independent associate. Be sure to read our free online book—it shows how much money you can earn and the variety of ways you can earn it.
I am very excited because here you also can develop residual income. That means the income checks can keep coming to you even when you take time off. Yes, it really is possible to earn a great income AND have the time to enjoy it.
The FREE E-Book explains everything. Request yours now by clicking my link: http://compacturl.com/nkqj
Once you become an independent associate you find Great Products, Great Training
Here are the two keys to your success:
1. This Company still has everyone's long-time favorite products, along with newer products for the busy family of today. These products are in high demand among people who care about taking care of themselves, taking care of their homes, and preparing the best tasting foods imaginable. Company products are a rock-solid foundation on which you can build a profitable business.
2. The Summit Group provides free training and state-of-the-art business tools that help you build your business. We're an organization of friendly, hard-working, family-type people from across the United States and Canada...and we're the fastest-growing support team among all of this company's independent associates. By joining our company through my independent associate link above, you'll have access to the training and tools you need so you can develop significant income faster than ever.
Great Benefits, No Pressure
Starting your own business through the Company's 'Summit Group' as an independent associate offers income and time flexibility. But it won't interfere with your family, your current job, or your already-busy schedule. This is a no-pressure business. You do as much or as little as you're ready for at any point.
Although most of our associates work part-time, some have built their businesses into full-time, high-paying careers. Either way, they enjoy the unique benefits that only our business can provide, which can include:
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You're about to learn how a company that has had the strength and integrity to survive since 1868 is ready to help you achieve the lifestyle you want today.
Get Your FREE Entry Link
We'll immediately e-mail you a personalized link into our main website when you complete the form included in my link above. Our main website at:http://compacturl.com/nkqj is where you can pick up your copy of our free E-book called "A Better Life for You and Your Family."
Don't put your future on hold... submit the form below, then check your e-mail box and click your personal entry link. It will let you decide if the flexibility, benefits, and find this excellent company and the Summit Group are right for you.
P.S. Our privacy policy explains that we hold your personal information in strictest confidence, using it only to provide you with details about our business. We do not share your information with any other organization or company.
I know that with God's help and with those so moved to visit my website today as they are reading my request and join me in having their own home-business, I will be able to live a peaceful, productive life and return to do successful work to be independent, and be able to do volunteer work to help others in need.
Thank you to everyone responding today. God bless you all.Successfully for your success!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Prayer for God's answers in housing conudrum!
Hi everyone reading this message,
Praising the Lord for His blessings at your end! Amen!
Today I would like your prayers for the Lord to show us His answer to the housing dilemma since seems closed doors both for staying at present apartment or moving somewhere else... this is a conundrum!
Thank you and God's blessings!
Ps. [co·nun·drum (kə-nŭn'drəm) pronunciation
1. A riddle in which a fanciful question is answered by a pun.
2. A paradoxical, insoluble, or difficult problem; a dilemma: “the conundrum, thus far unanswered, of achieving full employment without inflation” (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.).[Origin unknown.]
noun- Anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable, or secret: enigma, mystery, perplexity, puzzle, puzzler, riddle. See show/hide.
in general: * Conundrum, a puzzle or a riddle designed to test for lateral thinking
lateral thinking - Lateral thinking is a term coined by Edward de Bono, a Maltese psychologist, physician and writer. It first appeared in the title of his book The Use of Lateral Thinking, published in 1967. De Bono defines lateral thinking as methods of thinking concerned with changing concepts and perception. Lateral thinking is about reasoning that is not immediately obvious and about ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by-step logic.
Techniques of lateral thinking - Techniques that apply lateral thinking to problems are characterized by the shifting of thinking patterns away from entrenched or predictable thinking to new or unexpected ideas. A new idea that is the result of lateral thinking is not always a helpful one, but when a good idea is discovered in this way it is usually obvious in hindsight, which is a feature lateral thinking shares with a joke.
Lateral Thinking and Problem Solving - Edward de Bono points out that the term problem solving implies that there is a problem to respond to and that it can be resolved. That eliminates situations where there is no problem or a problem exists that cannot be resolved. It is logical to think about making a good situation, that has no problems, into a better situation. Some times a problem cannot be solved by removing its cause.
“ We may need to solve problems not by removing the cause but by designing the way forward even if the cause remains in place. ”
- (Edward de Bono)
Lateral thinking can be used to help in solving problems but can also be used for much more.
See also * Thinking outside the box
= = =
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you & not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." Jer. 29:11
"In this new life one's nationality or race or education or social position is unimportant; such things mean nothing. Whether a person has Christ is what matters, & He is equally available to all" Col.3:11
"The key to godliness is not more knowledge of God but more obedience to Him" Rom.6:16
“Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.” - Prov. 19:21
- - -
Everyone is invited to visit these websites that are our Christian outreach that are > prayerfully reaching souls in the internet one 'CLICK' at a time [TM] <
Celebrate Jesus - God's gift of eternal life=
Every Christian can witness with FREE Gospels of John when you visit, join in= https://www.pocketpower.org/code/signup.php?promo=bannerclick&sponsorcd=199335
Sisters in Christ/Woman to Woman witness=
Jesus is God's only way for salvation MSN Christian group - anybody can read, be a member=
Jesus Saves Follow Him Yahoo Christian group of Sisters in Christ/Woman to Woman witness - anybody can read, be a member=
ZOE -God's Kind of Life=
Help for parent/youth leaders protect children=
Celebrate Jesus Ministries 2-Fold Outreach=
Celebrate Jesus 2-Fold Outreach Yahoo group - anybody can read, be a member=
Minister Gospel 2 –Grateful Christian messages Blog I -with the beginning weekly messages of 52 in 2007 BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS = http://evascomments.blogspot.com/
Minister Gospel 2 - Grateful Christian messages Blog II= http://evascomments2.blogspot.com/
Jesus saves, follow Him Canada Yahoo group - anybody can read, be a member=
God's Word on Love and Marriage=
God's Word on Homosexuality {NOT a homophobic site}= http://netministries.org/see/charmin/CM08315
Jesus Saves - Follow Him 2 Yahoo Christian group - anybody can read, be a member= http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jesus_saves_follow_him2/
Every Christian can witness with FREE Gospels of John when you visit, join in= https://www.pocketpower.org/code/signup.php?promo=bannerclick&sponsorcd=199335
Mawy Art Studio Homepage=
Mawy Art Gallery=
My Tribute to Heroes and Survivors of 9/11/01 Terror attacks on America=
One Solitary Life is Jesus= http://www.geocities.com/onesolitarylife_isJesus/Lord-and-Savior.html
Hermanas en Cristo/De Mujer a Mujer Testimonio Cristiano:
Celebremos a Jesus – el Regalo de Dios para Vida Eterna:
Let’s remember these BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS:
* The devil is defeated and a liar. God is exalted. Jesus is Lord and Savior. *
Any ad links below or as pop-ups are placed by EMAIL PROVIDERS and do NOT have our approval.
Praising the Lord for His blessings at your end! Amen!
Today I would like your prayers for the Lord to show us His answer to the housing dilemma since seems closed doors both for staying at present apartment or moving somewhere else... this is a conundrum!
Thank you and God's blessings!
Ps. [co·nun·drum (kə-nŭn'drəm) pronunciation
1. A riddle in which a fanciful question is answered by a pun.
2. A paradoxical, insoluble, or difficult problem; a dilemma: “the conundrum, thus far unanswered, of achieving full employment without inflation” (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.).[Origin unknown.]
noun- Anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable, or secret: enigma, mystery, perplexity, puzzle, puzzler, riddle. See show/hide.
in general: * Conundrum, a puzzle or a riddle designed to test for lateral thinking
lateral thinking - Lateral thinking is a term coined by Edward de Bono, a Maltese psychologist, physician and writer. It first appeared in the title of his book The Use of Lateral Thinking, published in 1967. De Bono defines lateral thinking as methods of thinking concerned with changing concepts and perception. Lateral thinking is about reasoning that is not immediately obvious and about ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by-step logic.
Techniques of lateral thinking - Techniques that apply lateral thinking to problems are characterized by the shifting of thinking patterns away from entrenched or predictable thinking to new or unexpected ideas. A new idea that is the result of lateral thinking is not always a helpful one, but when a good idea is discovered in this way it is usually obvious in hindsight, which is a feature lateral thinking shares with a joke.
Lateral Thinking and Problem Solving - Edward de Bono points out that the term problem solving implies that there is a problem to respond to and that it can be resolved. That eliminates situations where there is no problem or a problem exists that cannot be resolved. It is logical to think about making a good situation, that has no problems, into a better situation. Some times a problem cannot be solved by removing its cause.
“ We may need to solve problems not by removing the cause but by designing the way forward even if the cause remains in place. ”
- (Edward de Bono)
Lateral thinking can be used to help in solving problems but can also be used for much more.
See also * Thinking outside the box
= = =
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you & not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." Jer. 29:11
"In this new life one's nationality or race or education or social position is unimportant; such things mean nothing. Whether a person has Christ is what matters, & He is equally available to all" Col.3:11
"The key to godliness is not more knowledge of God but more obedience to Him" Rom.6:16
“Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.” - Prov. 19:21
- - -
Everyone is invited to visit these websites that are our Christian outreach that are > prayerfully reaching souls in the internet one 'CLICK' at a time [TM] <
Celebrate Jesus - God's gift of eternal life=
Every Christian can witness with FREE Gospels of John when you visit, join in= https://www.pocketpower.org/code/signup.php?promo=bannerclick&sponsorcd=199335
Sisters in Christ/Woman to Woman witness=
Jesus is God's only way for salvation MSN Christian group - anybody can read, be a member=
Jesus Saves Follow Him Yahoo Christian group of Sisters in Christ/Woman to Woman witness - anybody can read, be a member=
ZOE -God's Kind of Life=
Help for parent/youth leaders protect children=
Celebrate Jesus Ministries 2-Fold Outreach=
Celebrate Jesus 2-Fold Outreach Yahoo group - anybody can read, be a member=
Minister Gospel 2 –Grateful Christian messages Blog I -with the beginning weekly messages of 52 in 2007 BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS = http://evascomments.blogspot.com/
Minister Gospel 2 - Grateful Christian messages Blog II= http://evascomments2.blogspot.com/
Jesus saves, follow Him Canada Yahoo group - anybody can read, be a member=
God's Word on Love and Marriage=
God's Word on Homosexuality {NOT a homophobic site}= http://netministries.org/see/charmin/CM08315
Jesus Saves - Follow Him 2 Yahoo Christian group - anybody can read, be a member= http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jesus_saves_follow_him2/
Every Christian can witness with FREE Gospels of John when you visit, join in= https://www.pocketpower.org/code/signup.php?promo=bannerclick&sponsorcd=199335
Mawy Art Studio Homepage=
Mawy Art Gallery=
My Tribute to Heroes and Survivors of 9/11/01 Terror attacks on America=
One Solitary Life is Jesus= http://www.geocities.com/onesolitarylife_isJesus/Lord-and-Savior.html
Hermanas en Cristo/De Mujer a Mujer Testimonio Cristiano:
Celebremos a Jesus – el Regalo de Dios para Vida Eterna:
Let’s remember these BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS:
* The devil is defeated and a liar. God is exalted. Jesus is Lord and Savior. *
Any ad links below or as pop-ups are placed by EMAIL PROVIDERS and do NOT have our approval.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Do prayers really make a difference?
This is an encouraging answer to the question: Do prayers really make a difference?
Amanda Benedict, whose fervent prayers are credited as the reason for the existence of Central Assembly in Springfield, Missouri, and for the Assemblies of God Headquarters being located in Springfield, was honored on June 7 with the placement of a tombstone on her grave, which had been unmarked for more than 80 years.
"We were able to find donors to pay the whole amount for the red granite marker," says Assistant Archivist at the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center Glenn Gohr. "I had the privilege of designing the tombstone."
Just below Benedict's name on the tombstone are inscribed the words, "She prayed and fasted for the city of Springfield." On the back of the stone is printed a quote from Amanda Benedict: "...Pray, fight, hold... that Christ be lifted up" along with the scripture verse from 1 Thessalonians 5:17, "Pray without ceasing."
This past Thursday morning, along with a local news crew, several gathered at the grave site located at the Eastlawn Cemetery in Springfield to honor Benedict and commemorate the occasion with prayer - the activity for which Benedict is most known. It is recorded that for one year Benedict lived on bread and water, praying and fasting for Springfield's first Pentecostal church (which later joined the Assemblies of God in 1914) and for the city of Springfield.
It is reported that Benedict's fervent prayer led the congregation to erect its first permanent building in 1920 at the corner of Campbell and Calhoun in Springfield, Missouri, and it was in the basement of this building that Central Bible Institute started, which would move to its own campus in 1924 and later be known as Central Bible College.
During the 1930s, Central also planted several other congregations in Springfield and the church continued to grow. The current 2,300-seat sanctuary, built on the same block as the original church, was dedicated in March of 1992.
It was no coincidence that Benedict's memorial occurred the first week of June, exactly 100 years after Pentecost was brought to Springfield. Central Assembly celebrated this anniversary Friday, June 1, with an all-church banquet, at which Benedict's tombstone was on display. Both of Central's Sunday services on June 3 were also devoted to history relating to the church as Springfield and Central Assembly both celebrate 100 years of Pentecost.
Pastor Jim Bradford, senior pastor at Central Assembly, opened Benedict's memorial ceremony with a prayer and remarks followed by remarks by George Wood, general secretary of the Assemblies of God. National Prayer Center Director John Maempa closed the ceremony in prayer.
"It was a great privilege to be on hand for this occasion," says Maempa.
Darrin Rodgers, Gohr and Joyce Lee, all of the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center, also participated in the observance, as well as Jewell Woodward, secretary to the general secretary.
For pictures from the memorial or to learn more about Benedict, visit link:
For more information about the 100-year anniversary of Pentecost in Springfield, visit: http://ifphc.wordpress.com/2007/05/25/celebrating-100-years-of-pentecost-in-springfield-missouri
Visit: http://ifphc.wordpress.com/2007/06/05/central-assembly-of-god-in-springfield-mo-100-years-of-ministry/ to learn more about Central Assembly's 100th anniversary. --Laura Norberg
AG-NEWS: The A/G News & Information Service, (c) 2007 A service of the Assemblies of God's Office of Public Relations. This mailing list was created to inform the media and public of current events within the Fellowship and continuing developments among its many ministries.
If you have a news lead, contact us at news@ag.org
Office of Public Relations, General Council of the Assemblies of God 1445 N. Boonville Ave, Springfield, MO 65802-1894
Phone: 417-862-2781 Fax:417-862-5554
Email: news@ag.org
VISIT OUR A/G WEBSITE: http://www.ag.org
Sunday, June 10, 2007
God's clear direction on the daily road of life - 52 in 2007 Basic Bible Truths study 6/3-9
Every so often the Lord remind me to stop and think on 2 Peter 1:3-4,5-12. I have never heard a sermon based on this chapter and I have never heard a bible study based on this chapter even when is one of the key instructions for every Christian to live a ever increasing growth for successful daily living in God peace, and rest and obedience. I called it "God's clear direction on the daily road of life"
So, here are the verses of 2 Peter 1:3-4, 5-12 –here in the Amplified version:
3 For His divine power has bestowed upon us all things that [are requisite and suited] to life and godliness, through the [full, personal] knowledge of Him Who called us by and to His own glory and excellence (virtue).
4 By means of these He has bestowed on us His precious and exceedingly great promises, so that through them you may escape [by flight] from the moral decay (rottenness and corruption) that is in the world because of covetousness (lust and greed), and become sharers (partakers) of the divine nature.,
5 For this very reason {of what verses 3 and 4 tells us} adding your diligence [to the divine promises], employ every effort in exercising your faith to develop virtue (excellence, resolution, Christian energy), and in [exercising] virtue [develop] knowledge (intelligence),
6 And in [exercising] knowledge [develop] self-control, and in [exercising] self-control [develop] steadfastness (patience, endurance), and in [exercising] steadfastness [develop] godliness (piety),
7 And in [exercising] godliness [develop] brotherly affection, and in [exercising] brotherly affection [develop] Christian love.
8 For as these qualities are yours and increasingly abound in you, they will keep [you] from being idle or unfruitful unto the [full personal] knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
9 For whoever lacks these qualities is blind, [spiritually] shortsighted, seeing only what is near to him, and has become oblivious [to the fact] that he was cleansed from his old sins.
10 Because of this, brethren, be all the more solicitous and eager to make sure (to ratify, to strengthen, to make steadfast) your calling and election; for if you do this, you will never stumble or fall.
11 Thus there will be richly and abundantly provided for you entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
12 So I intend always to remind you about these things, although indeed you know them and are firm in the truth that [you] now [hold].
Praying for those wise ones that will print or mark their bibles to continue to come back every so often to refresh the road to excellence that the Apostle Peter received from the Lord to guide us in a sure Christian walk.
Praise the Lord! To God be the glory! Amen!
God’s blessings!
Intercessory prayer partner reminder:
“Thank you” to all readers that pray for “Celebrate Jesus! Ministries” and these “52 in 2007 Basic Bible Truths weekly studies” every day for at least one (1) minute or as the Lord leads each one to pray. Amen!
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you & not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." ~ Jer. 29:11
"In this new life one's nationality or race or education or social position is unimportant; such things mean nothing. Whether a person has Christ is what matters, & He is equally available to all" ~ Col.3:11
"The key to godliness is not more knowledge of God but more obedience to Him" ~ Rom.6:16
“Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.” - Prov. 19:21
Everyone is invited to visit these websites that are our Christian outreach that is > prayerfully reaching souls in the internet one 'CLICK' at a time [TM] <
Celebrate Jesus - God's gift of eternal life=
Every Christian can witness with FREE Gospels of John when you visit, join in= https://www.pocketpower.org/code/signup.php?promo=bannerclick&sponsorcd=199335
Sisters in Christ/Woman to Woman witness=
Jesus is God's only way for salvation MSN Christian group - anybody can read, be a member=
Jesus Saves Follow Him Yahoo Christian group of Sisters in Christ/Woman to Woman witness - anybody can read, be a member=
ZOE -God's Kind of Life=
Help for parent/youth leaders protect children=
Celebrate Jesus Ministries 2-Fold Outreach=
Celebrate Jesus 2-Fold Outreach Yahoo group - anybody can read, be a member=
Minister Gospel 2 –Grateful Christian messages Blog I -with the beginning weekly messages of 52 in 2007 BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS = http://evascomments.blogspot.com/
Minister Gospel 2 - Grateful Christian messages Blog II= http://evascomments2.blogspot.com/
Jesus saves, follow Him Canada Yahoo group - anybody can read, be a member=
God's Word on Love and Marriage=
God's Word on Homosexuality {NOT a homophobic site}= http://netministries.org/see/charmin/CM08315
Jesus Saves - Follow Him 2 Yahoo Christian group - anybody can read, be a member= http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jesus_saves_follow_him2/
Every Christian can witness with FREE Gospels of John when you visit, join in= https://www.pocketpower.org/code/signup.php?promo=bannerclick&sponsorcd=199335
Mawy Art Studio Homepage=
Mawy Art Gallery=
My Tribute to Heroes and Survivors of 9/11/01 Terror attacks on America=
One Solitary Life is Jesus= http://www.geocities.com/onesolitarylife_isJesus/Lord-and-Savior.html
Hermanas en Cristo/De Mujer a Mujer Testimonio Cristiano:
Celebremos a Jesus – el Regalo de Dios para Vida Eterna:
Let’s remember these BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS:
* The devil is defeated and a liar. God is exalted. Jesus is Lord and Savior. *
Any ad links below or as pop-ups are placed by EMAIL PROVIDERS and do NOT have our approval.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
What is God trying to tell you when your hut is on fire?
God knows when we need His encouragement in some point in our lives. Today I receive it through this email that is ‘right on target’
Your Hut is on Fire....
The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him. Every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect himself from the elements, and to store his few possessions.
One day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, with smoke rolling up to the sky. He felt the worst had happened, and everything was lost. He was stunned with disbelief, grief, and anger. He cried out, "God! How could you do this to me?"
Early the next day, he was awakened by the sound of a ship approaching the island! It had come to rescue him! "How did you know I was here?" asked the weary man of his rescuers. "We saw your smoke signal," they replied.
The Moral of This Story:
t's easy to get discouraged when things are going badly, but we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of our pain and suffering. Remember that the next time your little hut seems to be burning to the ground. It just may be a smoke signal that summons the Grace of God.
P.S. You may want to consider passing this on, because you never know who feels as if their hut is on fire today.
Be Blessed!!
Heb. 11:6 "Without faith, it is impossible to please God."
My comment:
Hope is the spiritual container, as you would say the invisible box, the boundaries, that keep our faith active and effective in believing God for answers to our prayers and fulfilling His purpose in our lives.
Habakkuk 3:19 The Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds' feet and will make me to walk [not to stand still in terror, but to walk] and make [spiritual] progress upon my high places [of trouble, suffering, or responsibility]! For the Chief Musician; with my stringed instruments.
God's blessings!
Intercessory prayer partner reminder:
“Thank you” to all readers that pray for “Celebrate Jesus! Ministries” and these “52 in 2007 Basic Bible Truths weekly studies” every day for at least one (1) minute or as the Lord leads each one to pray. Amen!
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you & not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." ~ Jer. 29:11
"In this new life one's nationality or race or education or social position is unimportant; such things mean nothing. Whether a person has Christ is what matters, & He is equally available to all" ~ Col.3:11
"The key to godliness is not more knowledge of God but more obedience to Him" ~ Rom.6:16
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Sisters in Christ/Woman to Woman witness=
Jesus is God's only way for salvation MSN Christian group - anybody can read, be a member=
Jesus Saves Follow Him Yahoo Christian group of Sisters in Christ/Woman to Woman witness - anybody can read, be a member=
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Help for parent/youth leaders protect children=
Celebrate Jesus Ministries 2-Fold Outreach=
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Minister Gospel 2 –Grateful Christian messages Blog I -with the beginning weekly messages of 52 in 2007 BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS = http://evascomments.blogspot.com/
Minister Gospel 2 - Grateful Christian messages Blog II= http://evascomments2.blogspot.com/
Jesus saves, follow Him Canada Yahoo group - anybody can read, be a member=
God's Word on Love and Marriage=
God's Word on Homosexuality {NOT a homophobic site}= http://netministries.org/see/charmin/CM08315
Jesus Saves - Follow Him 2 Yahoo Christian group - anybody can read, be a member= http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jesus_saves_follow_him2/
Every Christian can witness with FREE Gospels of John when you visit, join in= https://www.pocketpower.org/code/signup.php?promo=bannerclick&sponsorcd=199335
Mawy Art Studio Homepage=
Mawy Art Gallery=
My Tribute to Heroes and Survivors of 9/11/01 Terror attacks on America=
One Solitary Life is Jesus= http://www.geocities.com/onesolitarylife_isJesus/Lord-and-Savior.html
Hermanas en Cristo/De Mujer a Mujer Testimonio Cristiano:
Celebremos a Jesus – el Regalo de Dios para Vida Eterna:
Pause and think about and remember these BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS:
* The devil is defeated and a liar. God is exalted. Jesus is Lord and Savior. *
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