Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Do prayers really make a difference?


This is an encouraging answer to the question: Do prayers really make a difference?


Amanda Benedict, whose fervent prayers are credited as the reason for the existence of Central Assembly in Springfield, Missouri, and for the Assemblies of God Headquarters being located in Springfield, was honored on June 7 with the placement of a tombstone on her grave, which had been unmarked for more than 80 years.

"We were able to find donors to pay the whole amount for the red granite marker," says Assistant Archivist at the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center Glenn Gohr. "I had the privilege of designing the tombstone."

Just below Benedict's name on the tombstone are inscribed the words, "She prayed and fasted for the city of Springfield." On the back of the stone is printed a quote from Amanda Benedict: "...Pray, fight, hold... that Christ be lifted up" along with the scripture verse from 1 Thessalonians 5:17, "Pray without ceasing."

This past Thursday morning, along with a local news crew, several gathered at the grave site located at the Eastlawn Cemetery in Springfield to honor Benedict and commemorate the occasion with prayer - the activity for which Benedict is most known. It is recorded that for one year Benedict lived on bread and water, praying and fasting for Springfield's first Pentecostal church (which later joined the Assemblies of God in 1914) and for the city of Springfield.

It is reported that Benedict's fervent prayer led the congregation to erect its first permanent building in 1920 at the corner of Campbell and Calhoun in Springfield, Missouri, and it was in the basement of this building that Central Bible Institute started, which would move to its own campus in 1924 and later be known as Central Bible College.

During the 1930s, Central also planted several other congregations in Springfield and the church continued to grow. The current 2,300-seat sanctuary, built on the same block as the original church, was dedicated in March of 1992.

It was no coincidence that Benedict's memorial occurred the first week of June, exactly 100 years after Pentecost was brought to Springfield. Central Assembly celebrated this anniversary Friday, June 1, with an all-church banquet, at which Benedict's tombstone was on display. Both of Central's Sunday services on June 3 were also devoted to history relating to the church as Springfield and Central Assembly both celebrate 100 years of Pentecost.

Pastor Jim Bradford, senior pastor at Central Assembly, opened Benedict's memorial ceremony with a prayer and remarks followed by remarks by George Wood, general secretary of the Assemblies of God. National Prayer Center Director John Maempa closed the ceremony in prayer.

"It was a great privilege to be on hand for this occasion," says Maempa.

Darrin Rodgers, Gohr and Joyce Lee, all of the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center, also participated in the observance, as well as Jewell Woodward, secretary to the general secretary.

For pictures from the memorial or to learn more about Benedict, visit link:

For more information about the 100-year anniversary of Pentecost in Springfield, visit: http://ifphc.wordpress.com/2007/05/25/celebrating-100-years-of-pentecost-in-springfield-missouri

Visit: http://ifphc.wordpress.com/2007/06/05/central-assembly-of-god-in-springfield-mo-100-years-of-ministry/ to learn more about Central Assembly's 100th anniversary. --Laura Norberg

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