Friday, September 21, 2007

FREE site for churches, ministries, schools and non-profit groups do successful fund raisings!

Greetings to every minister and member of a church or ministry,

I pray that this posting could be of help to each one and your ministry to do fund raising through a free website just for Non-Profit groups such as churches, schools, and community groups like Red Cross, March of Dimes and others, and that is global with many countries already participating!

Hope will help everyone looking for ways to do fund raising to help their ministries, and you can forward also to other Nonprofit groups, churches, schools for their members and congregations to have more success in their various fund raising appeals in their communities all over the world. Open the link and listen to the message and visit the link included to learn and prayerfully consider using this FREE website tool for fund raising:

A Christian missionary from Canada sent me her link last week and after praying I signed in and I am already using it, praise the Lord! I pray everyone that need this fund raising help will be guided by God to sign in at this link since when you do you are helping my fund raising too! To God be the glory!

God’s blessings!

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