Monday, February 12, 2007

God is awesome! His open doors blessing expanding outreaches of ministries!

God is awesome! His open doors blessing expanding outreaches of ministries!


First my “thank you!” to the 18 new members that have joined The Pocket Testament League through my messages here.

“ Thank you!” also to many that are sharing their encouraging stories, and posting prayers for their ministry outreaches as they give out the Free Gospels of John they have received from the League.

Remember every new member, you can request FREE Gospels of John every month, that you have a choice of what cover and what version you what to receive on every month you order your FREE Gospels of John!

I wish I could create a ‘marquee’ for this message to share my enthusiasm and the many blessings I have and many other League members are receive from our membership, but here are a little encouragement for you to visit their website and read their links with lots of information about The League, such as who started the League (hint: a teen girl from a famous family), how many have requested their Bible study from reading a Gospel of John given by a league’s member or found at a bus stop, public phone, store shelf) - read them through my link at:

Also as a member of the League we receive spiritual benefits since as a member of the League, you'll be motivated and encouraged to:

* READ God's Word each day
* CARRY God's Word with you wherever you go, and
* SHARE God's Word with others as He gives you opportunities (face-to-face and by placing them in locations that you feel the Lord will use to reach those He will reach)

When you visit the League at my link at: - you will find a "Welcome" site with links to information about How membership works, Benefits of membership, Join the League, Invite a Friend, Create Web Account, Update Your Profile, and more!

Here is my invitation to visit League’s website, and as the Lord guides you, to join - find out how easy is to be a member and receive FREE Gospel of John, and now FREE of shipping charges too!, in many Bible versions and different covers at:

All new League members can also have the opportunity to invite a Christian friend to join the League through their own personal link, so those signing in as members can also Read, Carry and Share the good news of God’s salvation with others.

Interested? Wondering if this way to witness is for you? Just visit and find out! Here is my link for you to visit and be able to join in now:

Praise the Lord! To God be the Glory! Jesus is Lord!

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